Who We Are
POPNT.COM offers web analysis, building, planning, and administration in the age of popular nanotechnologies.
Whether you already have a website or plan on having one, web development can be a daunting prospect. POPNT is here to help you deal with that headache, so you've got an extra hand when juggling between running your business and your website.
Solely owned, operated, and founded in 2001 by Julia Greaven, POPNT.COM was created to raise awareness about nanotechnology, and evolved into researching and delivering dependable web publishing solutions as seen from nanotechnology's perspective.
What We Do
POPNT.COM acts as a focal point for your web development needs. Whether that means a few minor updates to your current site, or you wish to create a brand new web property, we can be your guide for any step along the way.
Types of services offered
- Strategic planning & consulting
- Cloud services integration
- User experience (UX) analysis
- Internationalization/multilingual
- Social media marketing
- Affiliate integration
- …and much more!
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
At POPNT we value privacy, and we're committed to upholding trust.
Yes, we do accumulate data however we are mindful to use that data responsibly. Nobody likes having their information exposed, and neither do we, so we do our absolute best to respect your privacy and peace of mind.
What sort of data does POPNT accumulate?
Doing business on the Internet today means using interconnected computers to transmit information. Invariably for this system to work it means exchanging information in order for the data to be sent and received, and every single computer connected to the Internet does this.
The Internet uses many technologies, among the most popular are TCP/IP, HTTPS, and HTML. For example, this page was written in HTML and sent to you using HTTPS over the TCP/IP network that connects you to our website.
In order to send you this page, we need to know where on the TCP/IP network to send it, similar to making a phone call. Your network location was used but we don't know where exactly on the planet that information was sent. Due to the way TCP/IP technology works, specifically that IP addresses are allocated in large blocks to different countries, we know which country it was sent to, but that's about it. The organisation that decides which countries get which IP addresses is called Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, and POPNT is not and has never been affiliated with IANA.
How can POPNT be contacted?
If you have questions, concerns, or recommendations about our privacy policy, we invite you to contact us using the form or contact information found on the contact page and we'll do our best to answer as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your trust in POPNT.
Julia Greaven
Last updated: 2020-02-13

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